Barbara L. Casaly


Samples of my Work

Printed samples of additional documents available on request.

Websites and Web Content
Published web content using Sitecore CMS for the Analog Devices website Sample product page
Sample reference design page
Published web content using Tridion CMS for the Fidelity Investment website 529 Plans
Serve as webmaster for a church website First Parish Unitarian Universalist, Canton
Designed and maintain my husband's professional website Gary F. Casaly, Esq.
Documents (Word, FrameMaker, HTML, and Publisher)
Wrote procedures for using a Google Account (Gmail, Google Calendar, and Google Drive) Google Account Instructions (PDF)
Re-wrote the Commonwealth of Massachusetts Web Accessibility Standards for a general audience Web Accessibility Standards
Coordinated a team of webmasters to revise the Commonwealth of Massachusetts Web Accessibility Standards, resulting in version 2.0 of the standards Commonwealth of Massachusetts Web Accessibility Standards Version 2.0
Wrote a Constant Contact quick reference for the office manager at Stewart Title Guaranty Company, Boston office Constant Contact Email Marketing User Manual (Word)
Co-wrote an article for LakeLine, the magazine published by the North American Lake Society (NALMS) Forming, Managing, and Funding a Dam Management District (PDF)
Wrote an article for the Boston Broadside, the newsletter of the Boston Chapter of the Society for Technical Communication Web Accessibility and Technical Writing (PDF)
Formatting and Production Work
Compiled, formatted, and organized a Congregational Handbook for First Parish Unitarian Universalist - Canton Congregational Handbook (PDF)
Coordinated, edited, and formatted the informational guide for prospective ministers at First Parish Unitarian Universalist - Canton Informational Guide for Prospective Ministerial Candidates (PDF)
Visio Samples
Created process diagrams with swimlanes Process diagram with stakeholder swimlanes (PDF, 20 KB)
Created a flow diagram for a design control procedures document Flow diagram for design control procedures document (PDF, 210 KB)
Diagrammed the degrees of kindred to accompany a Stewart Title Guaranty newsletter article Degrees of kindred diagram (PDF, 18 KB)
Presented the mortgage discharge statutues in flowcharts to accompany a Stewart Title Guaranty newsletter article Servicer Flowchart (PDF, 91 KB)
Note Holder Flowchart (PDF, 90 KB)
Created a Mechanics Lien timeline to accompany a Stewart Title Guaranty newsletter Mechanics' lien timeline (PDF, 18 KB)
Presentations (PowerPoint)
Created a presentation to accompany a webinar that my husband delivered on April 15, 2011, on the new homestead law Homesteads: The New Law (PowerPoint, 145 KB)
Created a presentation to cover the concepts of accessibility Web Accessibility (PowerPoint, 528 KB)
Created presentations to accompany talks I delivered to Commonwealth of Massachusetts executives and to webmasters Commonwealth of Massachusetts Web Accessibility Standards 2.0:
- for executives (PowerPoint, 101 KB)
- for webmasters (PowerPoint, 203 KB)
Created a presentation to accompany a talk on Word templates and PDF accessibility for Commonwealth of Massachusetts employees and for a 10-minute talk at a Boston-IA program Microsoft Word Templates and Accessibility:
- for Commonwealth of Massachusetts employees (PowerPoint, 303 KB)
- for Boston-IA 10-minute presentation (PowerPoint, 50 KB)
Formatted a presentation that described a proposed Dam Management District at a public hearing for the town Boone Lake Dam Management District (PowerPoint, 157 KB)
Word Templates
Wrote a document on using and creating Word templates for the Commonwealth of Massachusetts ITD Using and Creating Word Templates (Word, 523 KB)
Created a sample Word template at Commonwealth of Massachusetts ITD Sample Word Template (Word .dot file, 56 KB)

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Last updated on September 11, 2018